This form is for Alphacrucis Alumni to request a copy of their transcript or a replacement testamur, and for current students to request a summary of studies or a statement of attainment. Please note, if you are an Alphacrucis student you may only receive a copy of your transcript or replacement testamur if the award has been conferred.
This form can also be used by previous Harvest Bible College (inclusive of Harvest West) or Tabor College students to request a copy of their transcript.
Note: If you require a transcript of an incomplete Alphacrucis award to support an application for further study or employment, you may request that a copy be emailed to the specified institution or employer on your behalf. If you select this option, you will not receive a copy of your transcript and the institution or employer who receives it on your behalf is not legally allowed to supply you with a copy. VET students however may be eligible to apply for a Statement of Attainment as evidence of partial studies completed.
Related Policy: Graduation Policy
HE Glossary
  • Testamur – the official certificate presented to students once their award has been conferred. 
  • Transcript – an official record of units completed that may only be issued directly to students upon conferral of their award. 
  • Summary of Studies – a summary of units completed within an award. It may be requested at any time and issued digitally at no cost. 
VET Glossary
  • Statement of Attainment – a record of the units completed that is issued to students who have not yet completed their award. 
  • Record of Results - the official VET transcript that is issued once students have graduated. 
Please note that this form is only for one transcript. If you have completed more than one degree and would like to request a second transcript, you will need to submit another Transcript Request Form. 

Personal Details

Was your award VET or Higher Education? *

Request Details

Please select which document you require (you may select more than one): * 🛈
I am requesting a: *
As an Alphacrucis student, we can only send your transcript if you have officially graduated. This form is not a substitute for a graduation form. If you have completed your degree and wish to graduate with your transcript and testamur, please fill out our Apply to Graduate Form to graduate in the next graduation period (either April or November). Please confirm that you understand our policy before submitting this form.  *

Award Details

How would you like your document/s to be sent? You may select more than one.

Request Details

Please select which document you require (you may select more than one): * 🛈
I am requesting a: *

Award Details

Method of Delivery

How would you like your document/s to be sent? You may select more than one. *
How would you like your Statement of Attainment to be sent? You may select both, if required. *
If you have elected to have your transcript posted, this will incur a fee to cover the costs of printing, postage and handling. If your transcript is being emailed to an institution then there is no fee for this service.
Unfortunately, we cannot post an incomplete transcript to your address. Please select another option before continuing. 
Unfortunately, we cannot email an incomplete transcript to your address. Please select another option before continuing. 

Your Address

Institutional Address

Payment Details

Please click the calculate button below before continuing to ensure an accurate cost is allocated.
Current total to pay on this form:
Following the submission of this form, you will be redirected to make a payment via PayPal for the amount owing. Please be advised that you do not need an account to use PayPal and you will have an option to pay with a debit or credit card.
Please complete the Student Declaration below and click 'Continue' to proceed with the submission of this form.

Student Declaration

Disclaimer: An academic transcript is a formal record of your academic history for the course you have studied at your chosen institution. This document contains the details of your course, subject, results, and completion. A Statement of Attainment may be issued to VET students who have only partially completed their award and lists all units of competency successfully completed under the incomplete award. 
Please note that it may take up to two weeks to process your request, with a longer turnaround time should you request for your documentation to be sent overseas.
I have read the above disclaimer and have filled out this form accurately to the best of my knowledge. I give my permission for Alphacrucis University College to release the documentation requested. *