Vic's Vacations 2025 Virgin Voyages Group Cruise - Sailor Intake Form

Please note by filling out this form, your card will not be charged immediately upon submission.  Your travel agent will make your deposit when we manual book your trip. 

Main Traveler Contact Information

Please enter your full legal name as it appears on your passport.
Gender (as it appears on your passport) *

Additional Travelers

Additional Traveler #1
 Additional Traveler #1
*First Name
*Middle Name
*Last Name
*Date of Birth (mm-dd-yyyy)
*Phone Number
*Email address
TSA Precheck # (if applicable)
Airline Frequent Flyer # (if applicable)
Other Info
I have confirmed the spelling of names and birth dates for all travelers, including myself, is correct as I entered it above. I understand if I have any incorrect information submitted on this form, I may be subject to change fees from the airline. *

Cruise Information

Cabin Category *
Is this your first cruise? *
Will you need a hotel for 1 night in Miami prior to cruise departure? *
Do you want your agent to reach out to help select and secure flights? *
Alcohol preference: *

Passport Information

To travel internationally, you must have a passport BOOK that is valid through at least 6 months beyond your travel dates.  A passport card is not a valid passport for entry to another country.
Cruises that start and end in the US, as well as domestic travel, do NOT require a passport book, and a passport card can work as a form of identification, but ANY international travel must have a book. 
Passports: *

By e-signing below, I understand that I will need a passport book if I am traveling internationally.  *

Payment Information

Please submit the credit card that you would like to use to pay for your trip. Should you need to update/change your credit card details at a later time, you may contact Vic directly to make these changes.
Please DO NOT enter a debit card, as most resorts will not accept debit cards.  Please enter a credit card instead if at all possible.
Please be advised by agreeing to book this trip, you are agreeing to allow me to make credit card charges on your behalf. These charges will only be on the credit card you have provided, and will be made at deposit, final payment, and any other payments you direct me to make.
By e-signing below, I have read and accept the terms of the Credit Card Authorization Form*


I understand:
- I am responsible for booking airfare
- Final cruise payment is due 5/20/25
- Cruise care is included but deposits are NON refundable.  If I need to cancel I will need to choose a different sailing.  I am allowed to change each sailor's name one time leading up to the trip (even after final payment).
By signing below, I certify that I have read and accept the Terms and Conditions and the Client Agreement with Vic's Vacations and Bethany Travel. I am signing on behalf of my entire traveling party. *

Additional Information

Thank you for filling out this form.  I look forward to booking your trip!!