Division of Research & Economic Development
To request grant proposal support, complete the form below.
Grant Development Specialists are assigned to projects based on their availability and expertise with the targeted funding agency and/or type of grant program. 
0/200 words
Type of Proposal Support requested (check all that apply):
Support for a large/multi-disciplinary proposal
Review solicitation to ensure eligibility and match with project
Strategic planning for project/proposal
Assistance identifying collaborators
Review of draft to ensure solicitation requirements are addressed and clearly presented
Intensive edits for correct language, usage, grammar and spelling
Quick final edit
Proposals must be submitted by Sponsored Programs/ODU Research Foundation, which is separate from the ODU Office of Research.  Have you emailed PreAward@odu.edu or rfhscPreAward@odu.edu to request assignment of a GCA (Grants and Contracts Administrator)? *
Do you have any contracts or agreements with the ODU Research Foundation that overlap the scope of the proposed project? *
Remember to email PreAward@odu.edu or rfhscPreAward@odu.edu early to notify the ODU Research Foundation, which submits proposals and administers grant funding for ODU faculty. The Research Foundation will not accept proposals for submission to external funders if notification and request for Pre-Award assignment has not been made prior to the close-of-business at least five (5) working days before the funder deadline.