Will Amendments & Updates

Who is this form for?
Updating your Will is an essential aspect of estate planning. Below are the different options for how we can help update your Will to ensure it best reflects your circumstances.

Basic Amendments

Document(s) finalised within the last 3 years
Will was originally drafted by Nest Legal
Amendment will take less than 10 mins (eg changing a guardian/executor/beneficiary)
Free (+ inhouse signing $220)   

Substantive Amendments

Document(s) finalised within the last 3 years
Will was originally drafted by Nest Legal
Amendment will take more than 10 mins 
From $220 single /$350 couples
We will provide you with a quote based on complexity
of the amendments required (+ inhouse signing $220)

Will Updates

Document(s) drafted more than 3 years ago
Will was originally drafted by Nest Legal
We will redraft your document(s) using our most current resources
and based on your up to date instructions to reflect your change in circumstances
Mini conference to discuss new clauses/changes
Please book a chat
for a personalised quote

Get started now...

Did Nest Legal prepare your initial Will? *
If someone else prepared your initial Will
and you aren't sure if the Will needs to be 
updated, book a chat and we can discuss
your options
When was your Will finalised? *
with one of our wills lawyers to
discuss the next steps to update 
your Will
Do you know the details you wish to amend? *
Do you need to discuss your amendment
with a member of our wills team before
filling out our form? Book a chat here

Save & Return

If you want to, you can create a log-in so you can save and return what you've entered. Up to you!

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Next steps:

  1. We will review the changes that you would like and let you know if we need any further information.
  2. If there is something you would like to discuss with a Wills lawyer prior to us making these changes, you can book a free 10-minute chat here If we cannot provide you with the advice you need without taking full instructions from you and/or your partner and booking a full conference, we will let you know. 
  3. We will send you a payment slip of the amount to pay into our trust account, depending on the changes needed. Or if you your amendments qualify under our basic amendment option we will let you know this!
  4. We will email you amended documents with your sigining instructions or link to book a signing conference with us.
  5. You sign your documents in front of us or organise your own witnesses.  
  6. We can store the signed documents (or send us scanned copies so we can make sure that they have been signed correctly). Let your executor know where the original is located.


Nest Legal understands the importance of protecting the privacy of an individual’s personal information. When you fill out this form or speak to us and provide us with personal information, what we do with that information is set out in our privacy policy here. In particular we use a range of internet-based services hosted by third parties (cloud computing service providers) in delivering services and in the management and marketing of our business. You consent to us disclosing your confidential information to our cloud-computing service providers. You consent to us recording and transcribing telephone and electronic communications for creating accurate records and acknowledge that we may use artificial intelligence to enhance our legal service delivery. You may opt out of the use of artificial intelligence tools by notifying us in writing.
(c) Nest Legal 2024