*Please note that if you don't have some of the experiences described below, do not worry about it! You are still eligible!
*Also please note: you don't need to write huge essays. A few sentences to a large paragraph will work. Pay particular attention to the "Education/Career Goals," "Motivations for that Career," and "Research Experience" questions.
What we request:
1. High school transcript(s) as one PDF
2. High School or College Honors and Awards
3 List of Honors / AP / Dual Credit courses and Grades
4. Clubs and Organizations
5. Leadership Experience
6. STEM Outreach
7. Research Experience
8. What are your education and career goals?
9. What motivates you to pursue the goals mentioned above?
10. What type(s) of research interests you, and why you want to be a biomedical researcher?
11. Please discuss any other relevant information that you feel the Student Selection Committee should take into consideration when assessing your application.