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Event Registration Form
Spring Camp

Kado Hawaii Instructional Camp:
Hitting Fundamentals, Throwing and Catching, Pitching Mechanics, Catcher Skills, Infield Play, Outfield Play, Base Running, Sliding, Speed/Agility.

Mar 22-23, (9:00am-12:00pm) SESSION I (Boys & Girls 8-11 years of age or 3rd-5th Grade: NO HIGH SCHOOL PLAYERS) *

Player Info


School Information

Guardian Information

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By checking yes and submitting this electronic registration form, I give permission for my (son/daughter) to attend any activity held by Kado Baseball. I hold harmless Kado Baseball, its owners, employees, spondsors, sites, school districts, and coaches. The consenting parties understand and acknowledge that serious accidents any occur during these activities, and that the risk of personal injury as a consequence thereof can be significant, including the potential for paralysis and even death. Knowing the risk of participating in these activities, the consenting parties agree to assume these risks. The release of Liability and Assumption of risk shall be binding on each of the consenting parties' respective heirs, successors and assigns. I understand it's necessary to have primary health insurance coverage on my child. I hereby give consent for the performance of such diagnosis, medical and/or surgical treatment on my son or daughter as may be deemed medically necessary in order to assure the safety of my child. All efforts will be made to contact me before procedures are performed. In addition to the above, I also agree to receive promotional emails from Kado Baseball and its affiliates.

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