Medical Lab Assistant Skills Checklist


Rank each of the following sections on a scale of 1 to 3:

1) Limited or no experience
2) Experienced, but may need review or supervision
3) Able to function independently *
Supervisor experience123
National Patient Safety Goals/Core Measures123
Awareness of HCAHPS123
Accurate Patient Identification123
Demonstrates knowledge of anatomy123
Use proper body mechanics123
Use of transfer/lifting Devices123
Infection Control123
Universal Precautions123
Isolation Precautions123
Minimize fall risks123
Crash Cart123
Care of patient in Restraints123
Obtain Vital Signs123
Patient/Family education123
Ensures HIPAA compliance123

Rank each of the following sections on a scale of 1 to 3:

1) Limited or no experience
2) Experienced, but may need review or supervision
3) Able to function independently *
Centrifuge operation and maintenance123
Refractometer operation and maintenance123
Cytospin operation and maintenance123
Hood operation and maintenance123
Proper storage of specimens for later testing123
Departmental record completion123
Departmental sample preparation123
Referral testing – sample requirements, packaging reporting123
Patient and sample identification123
Collection of samples123
Specimen Labeling123
General Venipuncture123
Heel stick123
Finger Stick123
Whole blood bedside glucose testing123
Preparation of peripheral blood smears123
Collection of specimens for microbiology123
Emergency identification procedure123
Specimen collection for drug testing123
Handling of biohazardous materials/waste123
Guidelines for specimen rejection/acceptance123
Standard precautions123
Isolation precautions123
Electronic documentation123

Rank each of the following sections on a scale of 1 to 3:

1) Limited or no experience
2) Experienced, but may need review or supervision
3) Able to function independently *
Daily startup procedure123
Run and review Q.C.123
Perform CBC testing123
Perform PT and APTT Testing123
Perform urinalysis microscopic procedures123
Perform dipstick procedures123
Perform confirmation testing for positive results123
Kit testing (RPR, H. Influenza, Monotest UPT, RSV, Strep A Screen, Rotavirus, etc.)123
Culture Routine, Collection, and Setup123
Culture Collection Procedure123
Set Up Culture According to Protocols123
Proper Planting Techniques123
Seek Assistance for Critical or Absurd Results123
Report Acceptable Results123
Save/Archive/File Patient Results Per Policy123
Perform Preventative Maintenance123
Ability to Troubleshoot Instruments per Policy123

Rank each of the following sections on a scale of 1 to 3:

1) Limited or no experience
2) Experienced, but may need review or supervision
3) Able to function independently *
Epic Computerized charting123
Other computerized charting platforms123
Data entry for patient and sample information123
Accurate Record keeping for specimens, tests, and results123
Report generating123

Rank each of the following sections on a scale of 1 to 3:

1) Limited or no experience
2) Experienced, but may need review or supervision
3) Able to function independently *
Quality control checks123
Equipment checks and tests123
Problem identification and invalid result review123
Adherence to safety protocols for handling biohazardous materials123

Rank each of the following sections on a scale of 1 to 3:

1) Limited or no experience
2) Experienced, but may need review or supervision
3) Able to function independently *
Effective communication with laboratory staff123
Effective communication with other healthcare professionals123
Effective communication with patients123

Rank each of the following sections on a scale of 1 to 3:

1) Limited or no experience
2) Experienced, but may need review or supervision
3) Able to function independently *
Assist with collection of bronchoscopy123
Assist with Fine Needle Aspiration123
Assist with Cyst Aspiration123
Assist with Buccal Smears123
Assist with Renal Biopsies123
Assist with Effusions123
Assist with Pleural Biopsies123
Assist with Cytogenetics Prep123
Logging and Accessioning of Specimens123
Fixation of Specimens123
Staining and Coverslipping123
Processing of Specimens by Centrifuge Method123
Processing by Cytocentrifuge Method123
Filing Slides, Requisitions, and Reports123
Carbowax Preparation123
Cresyl Violet Preparation123
3% Amphyl Preparation123
10% Bleach Preparation123
Scott’s Tap Water Preparation123
Saponin Preparation123
Centrifuge Operation and Maintenance123
Fume/Biological Hood Operation and Maintenance123

Rank each of the following sections on a scale of 1 to 3:

1) Limited or no experience
2) Experienced, but may need review or supervision
3) Able to function independently *
Medical terminology and abbreviations123
Test Accuracy123
Patient Safety123

Rank each of the following sections on a scale of 1 to 3:

1) Limited or no experience
2) Experienced, but may need review or supervision
3) Able to function independently *
Ability to identify and troubleshoot common issues that may arise123
Decision-making ability based on protocols and guidelines123
Maintain patient confidentiality and adhere to ethical standards123
Follow professional codes of conduct123

Rank each of the following sections on a scale of 1 to 3:

1) Limited or no experience
2) Experienced, but may need review or supervision
3) Able to function independently *
Small Facility123
Large/Regional Teaching Facility123
Clinic setting123

Rank each of the following sections on a scale of 1 to 3:

1) Limited or no experience
2) Experienced, but may need review or supervision
3) Able to function independently *
Newborn / neonate (birth-30 days)123
Infant (31 days-1 year)123
Toddler (ages 2-3 years)123
Preschool (ages 4-5 years)123
School age (ages 6-12 years)123
Adolescent (ages 13-21 years)123
Young adult (ages 22-39 years)123
Adult (ages 40-64 years)123
Older adult (ages 65-79 years)123
Elderly (ages 80+ years)123
