Please note, if your sponsorship level is eligible for your company logo/name to appear on printed materials and shirts, information and payment must be received by Monday, September 2, 2024 at the latest.
Company Name (please note: this will be official name used for marketing and signs/shirts):
Name - Company Point of Contact:
Title - Company Point of Contact
Phone Number - Company Point of Contact
Email - Company Point of Contact
Street Address:
Zip Code
Sponsorship Level (please select one):
Title Sponsor ($2,500)
Platinum ($1,000)
Gold ($750)
Silver ($500)
Bronze ($250)
Community Sponsor (Raffle Donation)
Do you plan to set up a table/booth on race day?
Do you need a table & chairs provided?
No, we will bring our own
Please upload your company logo here Please note: All logos must be in vector format - this is a requirement of our sign and shirt vendors in order to ensure quality of replication. If you do not have the logo at this time, please email it in the required format to by Monday, September 2, 2024.
How will you be paying?
Please invoice - pay by mail/check
Credit Card - please send me an invoice & link to pay by credit card
Our credit card processor charges us 3.3% + 0.30 cents of every transaction - will you consider an additional donation to cover fees, enabling the full sponsorship amount to go directly to Believe 208?
Yes, please invoice me for the sponsorship amount + fees
No, please invoice me for only the sponsorship amount
Please include any special instructions/information (invoicing instructions, PO #, etc.), if needed. Invoices will be emailed to the individual completing registration unless otherwise noted.
I understand that in order to be included as a 2024 sponsor, all relevant information, including logo (if applicable) and payment must be received by Monday, September 2, 2024.
I understand and wish to continue
Please contact
with any questions. Thank you for your support of the 2024 Believe 208 Run for the Brave and Finest!
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