Hydrant Meter Rental Form

Information Hydrant Meter being issued to:


I agree to rent a hydrant meter from Blue Ridge Rural Water Co. Inc. and follow all require for hydrant meter usage and billing requirements.


1. Fees: $50.00 nonrefundable set fee, plus $50.00 refundable deposit.

2. The cost of the water is $25.00 for the first 5000 gallons and $5.40 per thousand thereafter, per permit.

3. At no time is the permittee allowed to use the hydrant valve to control flow through the meter. A gate valve is furnished for this control. The hydrant meter will include a backflow devise that is at no time to be removed from the hydrant. The permittee must have permit on-site at all times.

4. Blue Ridge Rural Water Co. can and will make periodic on-site checks to insure that hydrant meter and backflow devices are operated properly.

5. Permittee much inform BRRWC if use of hydrant meter is completed prior to 90 days.

6. A maximum of 90 days Fire Hydrant Meter use. The Fire Hydrant Meter can be requested to be moved unlimited times within the 90 day time period at a cost of $50 (meter set fee) per request.

A Minimum of 24 Hours Before Fire Hydrant Meter Will Be Installed.

Signature: *
Please click submit and you will be redirected to Blue Ridge Rural Water Company's website. 
A copy of the completed hydrant meter rental form will be sent to your email provided for your records. One of our customer service representatives will contact you about payment for the hydrant rental and when the meter will be set.
Thank you for your time.