1. Fees: $50.00 nonrefundable set fee, plus $50.00 refundable deposit.
2. The cost of the water is $25.00 for the first 5000 gallons and $5.40 per thousand thereafter, per permit.
3. At no time is the permittee allowed to use the hydrant valve to control flow through the meter. A gate valve is furnished for this control. The hydrant meter will include a backflow devise that is at no time to be removed from the hydrant. The permittee must have permit on-site at all times.
4. Blue Ridge Rural Water Co. can and will make periodic on-site checks to insure that hydrant meter and backflow devices are operated properly.
5. Permittee much inform BRRWC if use of hydrant meter is completed prior to 90 days.
6. A maximum of 90 days Fire Hydrant Meter use. The Fire Hydrant Meter can be requested to be moved unlimited times within the 90 day time period at a cost of $50 (meter set fee) per request.