2023 AAP Advocacy Conference Registration Scholarship Application
Application Deadline: Wednesday, January 25, 2023 (11:59pm CST)

The American Academy of Pediatrics Advocacy Conference will take place March 26-28, 2023 in Washington, DC. Join us and learn how to be a strong advocate for children's health! Pediatricians, pediatric subspecialists, and pediatric trainees from across the country will attend advocacy skills-building workshops, hear from distinguished guest speakers and learn about policy priorities impacting children. For more information on the conference visit: https://shop.aap.org/2023-aap-advocacy-conference/

Please complete and submit the application below to be considered for a scholarship. IMPORTANT: If awarded, the scholarship will cover your registration fee only ($500 for trainees; $700 for all other AAP members). Travel expenses (flight, hotel, etc.) are not covered by this scholarhship.  

Scholarships are supported by the AAP Section on Pediatric Trainees, the AAP Section on Early Career Pediatricians, the AAP Committee on Federal Government Affairs, the AAP Committee on State Government Affairs, and the AAP Insurance Program.


Career Status *


Have you previously attended an AAP Legislative/Advocacy Conference? *
0/200 words
0/200 words
0/200 words
Are you currently facing any financial hardship that would keep you from attending the Advocacy Conference (i.e. travel costs, hotel costs, etc.), even if you receive a scholarship for your registration fees? *


Please note: If chosen to receive a scholarship, you may be asked to write about your experience for a newsletter article or an online discussion forum. In addition, based upon the number of applications received, the Advocacy Conference Scholarship Review Committee reserves the right to ensure applicants represent a diverse geographic range.


This section is not shared with reviewers.
As part of the Section's commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion, we are collecting the information in this section to understand more about the SOPT members are that are applying for leadership positions. This is being collected to provide information about the demographics making up SOPT and to inform efforts towards inclusion in the Section. This data will be reported back in summary form to the SOPT Executive Committee and AAP Leadership; no individual identifying information will be included. You are not required to answer any of the questions below. 
If you are a resident or fellowship trainee, how would you best describe your institution?
What is your current gender identity? Check all that apply.
With what racial or cultural group(s) do you identify yourself? Check all that apply.
Which of the following best represents how you think of yourself? Check all that apply.
Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) you have a disability if you have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity. By this definition, do you have a disability?
Please describe the community in which your school/program is located.
Are you an International Medical Graduate or currently in a medical school located outside of the United States?


This section is not shared with reviewers and, therefore, not used in the selection process.
As part of the application process, we are collecting information to understand who our members are that are applying for advocacy scholarships. This information will be reported back in summary form to the SOPT and SOECP Executive Committees and AAP Leadership; no individual information will be identified. You are not required to answer any of the questions below. 
What is your gender?
With what racial or cultural group(s) do you identify yourself? Select all that apply.
Which of the following best represents how you think of yourself?
Do you have a physical, mental, or emotional disability that causes serious difficulties with your daily activities?
Do you currently work part-time?
Please describe the community in which your primary practice/position is located.
Please indicate your primary employment setting. This is the setting where you spend most of your time.
Where was your medical school located?
Thank you for your interest in the 2023 AAP Advocacy Conference and for being a strong voice for children!
Questions can be directed to advocacyconference@aap.org.