Section on Early Career Physicians

Excellence in Education Award
Nomination Form
Deadline: Sunday, June 23, 2024

The AAP Section on Early Career Physicians (SOECP) invites nominations for the 2024 AAP SOECP Excellence in Education Award. One individual or entity of the American Academy of Pediatrics is awarded the SOECP Excellence in Education Award each year. The award recipient will be honored during an SOECP Networking and Awards Reception in 2024. The award provides full general registration for the 2024 AAP National Conference and Exhibition and a $1,000 honorarium.

Note: Checks can be made out to individuals or institutions. Checks payable to individuals require a social security number in order to be processed. If chosen as a recipient, you will be contacted for that information if you request the check to be payable to you. Please note that you will receive a tax statement from the AAP if you receive $600 or more from the AAP in the calendar year. Scholarships are not transferrable and not redeemable for cash.

Award Criteria:

The award is presented to an early career physician or entity (institution, work team, AAP group, chapter, or other) who does several of the following:

  • Demonstrates unique educational initiative to advance medical knowledge in the academic center or community level
  • Shows personal expertise as an educator and mentor
  • Recognized as an outstanding teacher in a clinical setting to medical students, residents and or other health professionals
  • Champions equity, diversity, and inclusion initiatives that support the education of underserved communities and/or those who are underrepresented in medicine

Examples of awardee accomplishments may include:

  • Implementing programs and strategies to increase family engagement and satisfaction
  • Building successful community partnerships to improve outcomes for families of diverse cultural, linguistic, and immigrant backgrounds
  • Expanding patient and family education initiatives beyond the center level, to influence community/local health
  • Demonstrated impact as a clinical educator through innovation in curricular design, new courses or delivery of teaching material
  • Evidence of scholarship in clinical teaching through peer-reviewed publications, invited presentations, workshops, posters and abstracts

Award Eligibility:

  • For consideration, a nominee must be an early career physician practicing in pediatrics, a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics, and a resident of the United States or Canada. Early career physicians are defined as within 10 years of residency or fellowship training.
  • For group (institution, team, chapter, section, etc.) nominations, an individual must be identified as the project lead for all communications regarding the nomination and project.
  • Nominees are not required to be members of the Section on Early Career Physicians.
  • Members of the SOECP Executive Committee, Review Committee, and the AAP Board of Directors are not eligible to receive this award during their term of service.
  • Deceased persons are not eligible for awards.
  • An individual may only receive one SOECP award per year.
  • A project that has previously been granted the award may not be resubmitted. If not awarded, the project may be resubmitted.
In alignment with the AAP Equity Agenda, the SOECP is committed to celebrating the work of members from groups underrepresented in medicine. We encourage nominations for diverse candidates in terms of race, ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, subspecialty, practice location, and/or national origin.

Nomination Process: A diverse group of early career pediatricians from the SOECP Leadership Council will select the award recipient through a competitive nominations process. This Review Committee will include members from the SOECP Executive Committee, SOECP Workgroups, and SOECP Nominations Committee. These individuals will review all nomination materials.

Nominating an Individual: To nominate a physician, a nominator who is familiar with the candidate’s career must:

  • Notify the candidate of the nomination prior to submission.
  • Complete and submit the Nomination Form below.

    Note: When nominating a physician, this form will automatically email the nominee and request that they complete the remainder of the application, including submitting a Bio-Sketch and an optional Letter of Support.

    Please submit nominations with ample time before the deadline to ensure that nominees are able to complete an application on their behalf.
Nominating an Entity: To nominate an entity, such as an institution, work team, community group, AAP group, chapter, or other type of collective group, you must: 
  • Complete and submit the Nomination Form below.
  • (Optional) Submit a letter of support from an individual who is knowledgeable of the entity's accomplishments. A letter may be submitted by a community partner, colleague, or family that benefited from the group's work.
Self-Nominations and Nominees: To self-nominate, you must: 
  • Complete an application, including the Statement of Merit.
  • Submit a 1-page Bio-Sketch. Click here to download a template (.docx).
  • (Optional) Submit a letter of support from an individual who is knowledgeable of your accomplishments. A letter may be submitted by a community partner, colleague, or family served by you.
  • Please do not send any additional letters of support or materials. Additional letters or materials will not be reviewed.

Deadline: Sunday, June 23, 2024, 11:59pm Central Time

Questions? Please contact Elisha Ferguson at

To populate the items needed for this application, please complete the question below.

I am *

My Information

If you are completing this information below, you are acknowledging that you are the contact for the entity you are nominating.
Affirmed Pronouns

Nominee Information

Application Details

This section is shared with reviewers.
The responses and files shared in this section will be reviewed by a committee of members to determine award selections.
0/800 words
0/800 words

OPTIONAL - Nominee Demographic Details

This section is not shared with reviewers and as such it will not be used in scoring this application.
As part of the application process, we are collecting information to understand who our SOECP members are that are applying for our awards. This information will be reported back in summary form to the SOECP Executive Committee and AAP Leadership; no individual information will be identified. You are not required to answer any of the questions below. 
What is your gender?
With what racial or cultural group(s) do you identify yourself? Select all that apply.
Which of the following best represents how you think of yourself?
Do you have a physical, mental, or emotional disability?
Do you currently work part-time?
Please describe the community in which your primary practice/position is located.
Please indicate your primary employment setting. This is the setting where you spend most of your time.
Where was your medical school located?
Please be sure to submit this application form by:
11:59pm Central Time on Sunday, June 23, 2024
Questions? Email