Section on Pediatric Trainees Leadership Opportunities

SOPT Clinical Case Program Co-Chair Application Form
 Deadline: March 3, 2024 

As a training stage interest group of the AAP, the Section on Pediatric Trainees (SOPT) works to connect our members to varying opportunities within our section and the Academy. Beyond our leaders on the executive committee and leadership council, we have a network of members acting as liaisons to AAP committees, sections, and councils, in addition to members on SOPT and external committees and project-focused groups. 

We are currently seeking one member to serve as the SOPT Clinical Case Program Co-Chair (position description). SOPT has established the SOPT Clinical Case Program Co-Chair position to provide structure to the Clinical Case program and oversee the review and selection process. Working with the other co-chair, this person serves as primary reviewer for applications, selecting the top submissions of abstracts to be featured each year at the AAP National Conference and Exhibition. 

Term: Two years with one medical student and one resident/fellowship trainee to serve as co-chairs every year. Each year either one medical student OR one resident/fellowship trainee will be appointed.

Qualifications: Must be a medical student, resident, or fellowship trainee in good standing with the AAP

Responsibilities: Time commitment varies for this position, with the bulk of work taking place April to May. Please see the position description for more details.

Benefits: This position provides the member the opportunity to serve in a leadership role that enables the to make an impact on trainee members of the AAP.

Funding: Members will not be compensated for this volunteer position. The Section does provide funding for the member to attend the AAP National Conference, as funding allows.

In alignment with the AAP Equity Agenda, the SOPT is committed to increasing the percentage of members from groups underrepresented in medicine that serve in our leadership roles. Diverse candidates in terms of race, ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, subspecialty, practice location, and/or national origin are encouraged to apply.
If you have any questions about these positions or are unable to complete this application due to a disability, please contact Britt Nagy

Applicant Information

Please select your AAP Membership Category from the list below.
Note: AAP membership is required to apply for these positions. *
Are you in a combined residency program? *
Affirmed Pronouns *

Application Materials

For the questions 1 and 2 below, please provide as much detail as you feel comfortable. Your responses will serve as the primary basis for review and selection.
Note: While the SOPT typically blinds applications when selecting leaders for roles, for some opportunities blinding the review materials is not possible. Please know that the SOPT review committee is committed to equity in selecting members for these opportunities.
1.) Statement of Interest. Please help us learn more about you. Why are you interested in this position? What are some strengths of yours that you would bring to this role? We are actively recruiting members who will carry forth our commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) through their service as a liaison. How have you demonstrated a commitment to EDI in your personal and/or professional lives? You may include more than one statement per PDF if you are applying for more than one position.

2.) Personal and Professional Experience. Please list up to 8 relevant activities outside of your training, from the last 3-5 years that have made an impact on your professional and personal development and demonstrate your preparedness for this role. Examples can include volunteer activities, internships, research projects, and leadership positions. Please include your role and the date for each item as well. Some examples are provided below.
  • Resident Wellness Committee | Member | April 2020-present | Organized wellness retreats for 40-person program
  • Qualitative Research Project on Effectiveness of Anti-Racism Curriculum on Residents | Principal Investigator | May 2021-May 2022 | Conducted surveys as part of 3-year fellowship project
  • Happy House Staff In-Service | Volunteer Educator | January 2022 | Presented 1-hour session on caring for people with multiple sclerosis
Please list activities in the table below, using the column headers as a guide.
If you are not selected for one of the above positions, would you be interested in participating in one of our workgroups? If yes, please select the workgroup you would like to join below.

Demographic Details

This section is not shared with reviewers.
As part of the Section's commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion, we are collecting the information in this section to understand more about the SOPT members are that are applying for leadership positions. This is being collected to provide information about the demographics making up SOPT and to inform efforts towards inclusion in the Section. This data will be reported back in summary form to the SOPT Executive Committee and AAP Leadership; no individual identifying information will be included. You are not required to answer any of the questions below. 
If you are a resident or fellowship trainee, how would you best describe your institution?
What is your current gender identity? Check all that apply.
With what racial or cultural group(s) do you identify yourself? Check all that apply.
Which of the following best represents how you think of yourself? Check all that apply.
Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) you have a disability if you have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity. By this definition, do you have a disability?
Please describe the community in which your school/program is located.
Are you an International Medical Graduate or currently in a medical school located outside of the United States?

Application Signature

Please be sure to submit this application form by:
 11:59pm Central Time on Sunday, March 3, 2024 
Questions? Email