International Elective Award Application

This application cycle will close on March 31, 2025. All application materials must be submitted by that date to be considered in this review period. 
The recipient(s) will be notified in the spring of 2025. 

Each academic year the AAP will designate several awards split into two cycles to residents and fellowship trainee members who wish to complete a clinical pediatric elective in Low and Middle-Income Countries (LMIC) during training. Resident applicants must be enrolled in pediatric residency training programs that are approved for credit toward certification by the American Board of Pediatrics, the American Osteopathic Board of Pediatrics, the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, or La Corporation Professionelle des Medecins du Quebec. 

1) Applicant must be a resident or fellowship trainee at the time of application.

2) Elective must be at least 4 consecutive weeks and primarily clinical.

3) Application must be submitted prior to leaving for elective. 

4) Applicants must be a member of the AAP Section on Global Health (SOGH). For more information about SOGH, please click here. To apply for SOGH membership, please click here



Award Amount: $1000

Application Deadline: March 31, 2025

Program Director's Recommendation Form: Awards are given solely on the basis of the application and the accompanying form from your program director, faculty mentor/advisor, or global health director. Once your application is processed, it will be forwarded to the person designated on your application along with the link to the recommendation form. Please make sure the person designated to complete your recommendation has received the link and has submitted the form by September 30, 2024Applications will be considered incomplete without a recommendation form and SOGH membership. 

Financial Information: Please note that if the check is payable to the individual, a social security number will be requested if he/she is selected to receive the award. Receipts from your elective (flight, accomodations, etc) totaling the amount of the award ($1,000) will also be requested. Individuals that do not submit receipts will receive a 1099-MISC form for the 2024 calendar year, and the award will be considered taxable income. Applicants may also consult with his/her training program and request that the award check be payable to their institution. 

Important: Please do not apply for this award if you are being paid for this rotation in addition to your regular resident or fellowship trainee salary. However, you may seek additional funding for your rotation in addition to this award.

Further Questions: Please contact Molly Hudson at

Are you a current resident or fellowship trainee? *
Is your elective primarily clinical and four consecutive weeks in length? *
Are you submitting your application prior to leaving for your elective? *
Are you a member of the AAP Section on Global Health (SOGH)? *
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