Permitted Purposes for Funding
Grant funding shall be used for costs associated with research or programmatic implementation. It shall not be used for salaries or fringe benefits. In addition, funds may not be used (a) to carry on propaganda or to otherwise attempt to influence legislation, (b) to influence the outcome of any specific public election, (c) for voter registration drives, or (d) for any purpose not considered charitable or educational within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Individual projects can receive up to $3,450 in funding, and budgets may include a maximum of $3,000 in programmatic costs. To offset the burden of project implementation supported by small institutions and not-for-profit fiscal agents, indirect costs may be included. Indirect costs may be up to 15% of programmatic budget, or $450 maximum. These will be added to the $3,000 maximum in programmatic costs, for a total maximum budget of $3,450.
Applicants are asked to provide a budget to support their funding request. Payments will be made in alignment with the grant's Payment Procedures. If selected as a grant recipient, no changes may be made to the Grant Budget without prior written approval from the AAP. Any portion of the Grant not expended for the Permitted Purposes at the completion of the project, or if sooner, at the end of the Grant Period, including any extensions approved, shall be immediately refunded to the AAP.
To avoid the possibility of personal tax liability, it will be necessary for you to agree to either:
a.) Submit detailed receipts and an expense report that will provide the basis for reimbursement of up to $3,000 in grant award funding.
b.) Appoint a tax-exempt fiscal agent once you receive your grant award notification. Click here to learn more about what a fiscal agent is and their role. AAP Chapters, your residency program institution, and local community organizations may be able to serve in this role. If you do not have a fiscal agent and are selected, AAP staff may be available to provide guidance in securing one. (Note: The institution or organization that acts as the fiscal agent is not the grantee or co-grantee.)
Applications are welcome from those of all training levels - medical students, residents, and fellowship trainees. While there are no restrictions on where applicants may be in their training, the review committee may prioritize proposals from applicants who outline plans for completing the project prior to training completion (if they are in their final year), or explain their how their research/project will be able to continue uniterrupted beyond their training, while remaining within the timeframe of the grant.
If you have any questions or need assistance completing this application due to a disability, please contact Britt Nagy.
If you would like to compose your responses prior to completing this application, you are welcome to download a PDF version of the application by clicking here.