Roots and Wings Generosity Campaign 2023-2024

You may specify an optional second name for joint gifts from a household/family/couple.

How much should I/we pledge? See UUA Fair Share Giving Guide?
I/We pledge to UUCFM for the coming 2024-2025 fiscal year. (We ask that, when you renew your commitment, you consider a cost-of-living adjustment to your last year's pledge.) * 🛈
Would you like to have this financial commitment automatically deducted from a bank account each month? 🛈
Alternative ways to make your financial contribution can be found by ciicking this link. Return to this page to complete and submit this form.
Have you thought about including UUCFM in your will(s) or estate plans?
If you are over 70, you may be able to use your IRA Minimum Required Distributions tax-free for your pledge. Contact your financial adviser for details.
Thank you for your stewardship commitment!
We rely on your pledge to help us plan for the coming fiscal year. 
Note that you can always modify your commitment at anytime by contacting the church office at 239-561-2700.
Press "Submit" below to record your pledge.
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