Complete the form below to submit your question or receive a call back.
First Name
Last Name
Entity Type
C-Corp (1120)
S-Corp (1120s)
Partnership (1065)
Self Employed
Sole Proprietor (with employees)
1099-MISC contractor
Business Name
Callback Number
Amount of PPP loan you are requesting
Have you already applied for EIDL Loan or Grant?
Yes, already applied and received grant and loan offer
Yes, applied and received grant but not loan offer
Yes, applied and received loan offer but NOT grant
Yes, applied but have NOT received grant or loan offer
No, I have not applied and would like R&A to apply on my behalf
No, I have not applied and would like more information
What do you need assistance with? (Please add short topic or enter complete questions here so that we are able to assist you)
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20750 Civic Center Drive, Suite 180
Southfield, Michigan 48076