Morgan Hill Open Studios Registration

Save & Return

Create an account (or use an existing one) to return to your saved work.  This feature will allow you to come back and edit your registration information. Updates can be made to your images or text fields until the close of regular registration.  Your registration fee will be based on the date you complete your registration and make a successful payment.  
We're thrilled that you would like to showcase your work in our fourth annual Morgan Hill Open Studio event this
September 21 - 22, 2024 (10AM - 4PM).
The deadline for regular registration is June 15, 2024 (11:30PM).  Additional registrations may be accepted after this date at an increased price (see below).

The Morgan Hill Open Studios event offers local artists an opportunity to share their work and processes with the public, connect with other artists and sell their work.

We welcome artists from Morgan Hill, San Martin, Gilroy and South San Jose to participate in our open studio event. You will have the option to showcase from your own space (home, studio, business, etc.) or in one of our communal spaces in Morgan Hill. If you do not have a studio space, MHOS will contact you prior to the event with a location. Those located outside of these areas are still encouraged to apply, but will need to either showcase with another local artist or at one of the communal spaces.  

Please fill out this registration form and make your payment. You'll receive a confirmation email after you're finished. If you do not complete the payment portion, you will not be able to participate in the event. Please email if you have any questions.
Visit the Artist Resource Page on our website where you can stay up to date on all important dates and information about the event. Also, follow us on Instagram and Facebook where we will be posting more event information as we get closer to the premiere. 
Event Fee
The fee for participating in the Morgan Hill Open Studio event is as follows:
         $95   Early Registration        April 15 - May  15
       $115   Regular Registration    May 16 - June 15         
       $75     Student Registration    April 15 - June 15 (Age 20 and younger)
       $195   Late Registration.        After June 15 - Late registration will only be accepted if it is feasible.
Credit card payments will be processed through PayPal.  You do not need a PayPal account to complete payment. Credit cards are accepted through PayPal.
After you finish filling out your registration form, you will be redirected to the payment section. Make sure to complete the payment portion completely. If you do not see a final confirmation/receipt and receive a confirmation payment email, the payment did not process and you have not been registered.  Please contact if you do not get a confirmation email.
Confirm Late Registration Fee
Order Note: You began filling out the registration form during the early registration period, and had previously selected early registration fee. The early registration deadline has passed and is no longer available.

Contact Info

Please provide us with your personal mailing address and contact information.
Note: Contact information in the above section will not be shared publicly. If you would like your name and email shared, enter what you want others to see in the below section.

Public Directory Information

As part of our open studio event, we are creating an artist directory that will include information about you as an artist and your open studio location. This information will be public and may be used on our website, social media, and/or printed marketing materials.
Type in the exact text that you would like in your public listing. Please proofread your information carefully and use correct grammar. Do not include any information that you do not want made public. 
Social Media: 🛈
0/1000 characters
What is the price range for your work? Select all that apply. *
Please upload 3-5 images you would like to be used in your public listing on our website, social media, and printed material. One image should include a photo of you producing your artwork. Although we only require 3 images, we encourage you to include more than 3 as these will be used for promotional purposes to attract the public to your space. 
Images must be high resolution jpegs, at least 1MB in size and at least 2000 pixels on the longest dimension. Please make any color adjustments and cropping to your images prior to uploading. No post-submission editing will be done.
If possible, please designate which image you want to appear in the brochure by naming that image "Brochure".  This image should be able to fit into a square, or it may be cropped.

Do you have a space to showcase your work?
If you have/know of a space to showcase your work and do not need to be hosted, click yes. Please note that showcasing your work in your own space requires a current liability insurance policy. Those without this will need to showcase their work in a communal location. For those without a space, MH Open Studios will find a space to host you and contact you with more details. *
Is your Open Studio address the same as the mailing address entered above? *
Do you have a space large enough to accommodate more artists than yourself?
We are encouraging artists with a studio to share their space so that others can also show their work in a creative environment. If you do have space to accomodate additional artists, click Yes and select how many artists you can support. A committee member will contact you for more specific information.
If you don't have additional space, please click No.
Please select how many artists your space can support. *
Please help make MHOS 2024 the best it can be!
Artists rely on thriving communities, and thriving communities are created when people help out when they can. All artists are required to help support MHOS by providing 2 to 5 hours of assistance. Please select one or more of the tasks below, someone from MHOS will contact you with further details on your tasks. For artists with limitations or special needs, we will work with you. *


I agree to allow photos of my art to be used in promotional materials for the MHOS social channels and print media: *
You will be required to obtain a valid seller’s permit from the California State Board of Equalization in order to sell your work at the event.
Licenses are free and can be obtained through the State Board of Equalization by calling (800) 400-7115 or visiting *
You must read and agree to the Terms and Conditions in order to participate in the event. Click here to read. *
You must read and agree to the Code of Conduct in order to participate in the event. Click here to read. *

Please click through to confirm your entry/payment. You will be redirected to PayPal to complete and process the payment. Remember, you do not need a PayPal account to make a credit card payment in the PayPal link.  Make sure you complete the payment process fully until the final confirmation page. The first confirmation page does not submit your payment.
If you do not complete the payment process, and you would like to save your results, please click Save Progress below.  This will allow you to register for an account using the Save & Return feature (unless you have done so previously).  If not, your information will not be saved and you will need to complete a new form.  Your registration fee will be based on the date you complete your registration and make a successful payment.