Applications submitted in response to this RFA must include the following information in line with ATI Objectives via the application form:
1. Project Description: The applicant must provide a detailed description of the project, specifying its goal, activities, and results. These should be in line with the overall objective of the grant. Sections should be structured as follows: detailed description of purpose/summary, background, project goals, and detailed description of anticipated activities/outcomes.
2. Monitoring (Results and Benchmarks):
The applicant should define, to the maximum extent possible at the application stage, results, and benchmarks for monitoring the performance towards attainment of program objectives. The selected applicant must include one of the following indicators to track performance:
- Number of people with improved economic benefits derived from sustainable natural resource management and/or biodiversity conservation
- Number of hectares of biologically significant areas under improved natural resource management
- Number of hectares of biologically significant areas showing improved biophysical conditions
Please explain how your organization will monitor the implementation and performance of the project and indicate additional indicators per activity that will be used to assess the progress and performance of the project, and the achievement of the expected results.
ATI will work closely with the selected private sector partner to develop a Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) plan following existing ATI and USAID requirements for this grant. ATI will also work with the partner to use USAID’s Collaboration, Learning and Adaptation (CLA) approach to address implementation of activities and to measure results. The partners will be required to maintain all relevant data and report results on a quarterly basis as agreed with ATI. ATI will conduct data quality assessments, as necessary. The private sector partners must be willing to share results for at least a six-month period following the completion of their grant implementation for ATI and USAID to evaluate the results of this intervention.
3. Sustainability: The applicant should describe how the project, or its benefits will continue after grant funding ends. What measures are being put in place to ensure sustainability?
4. Leverage: The application should indicate the amount they plan to co-invest, and what those funds will be used for. Where applicable, the application should note if they propose to repay a portion of the grant if implementation is successful.
5. Organizational Capability: The application shall include information that demonstrates the applicant's expertise and ability to meet or exceed the goals of this program.
Organizational capacity should include information on sound management systems, with regards to financial, administration, internal policies and procedures and controls that safeguard against fraud, abuse, and waste.
6. Personnel: The applicant should propose up to three key personnel and give a description of their roles and responsibilities. Each applicant demonstrates the key personnel’s ability to perform the duties outlined in the program description/statement of work and in accordance with the applicant’s approach. ATI will evaluate the CV to determine the individual’s knowledge, skills and abilities. Key personnel are those critical of implementation only and do not include administrative or support staff.
7. Past Performance: Applicants must present evidence of their experience in undertaking similar activities. Applicants may include descriptions of two (projects or other similar activities). ATI will request references that should include clients’ names and telephone numbers.
8. Budget: All proposals must include a completed budget in US dollars.
9. Milestones: the application must contain a table with milestones that the private sector partner and ATI will track during the implementation of this program.
The applications will be evaluated according to the evaluation criteria set forth below. To the extent necessary (if the award is not made based on initial applications), negotiations may be conducted with each applicant whose application, after discussion and negotiation, has a reasonable chance of being selected for award. Award will be made to responsible applicants whose applications offer the best value.
Awards will be made based on the ranking of applications by the review panel according to the evaluation criteria and scoring system identified below:
Regional scope: Interventions that benefit multiple countries in East Africa.
Scalability: Interventions that can show impact at scale with potential to increase.
Impact: Interventions that create significant results in mobilizing finance for biodiversity.
Additionality: Interventions that demonstrate value of USAID support in enabling market-based approaches that achieve intended outcomes. Concepts demonstrating an amount of repayment if successful will be scored higher.