Migrant Hub Referral Form

The Migrant Hub is operating a face to face service from the Woolwich Community Service (Leslie Smith Square, London, SE18 4DW). If you would like to see an adviser or would like to receive Food Parcel, please complete this referral form and take a sit.

All our services are free of charge.

Which Service Do You Need?

The Migrant Hub offers a hot meal and the opportunity to access advisors on the following topics:
- housing
- benefits
- immigration advice
- support for destitute families with children
- support for survivors of sexual and domestic violence
It is not guaranteed that all services will be available every week but we will do our best to provide the right support and signpost you to support we are unable to provide.
We have limited spaces available so please come early but not before 10.30am.

About You

Please complete the questions below which we will share with the service you have asked to access.
These questions may change depending on what service you have chosen to access - please make sure you have selected the right service above before filling them in.
Is it safe to leave a voicemail or text on this number? *
What kind of tenancy do you have? *