Exhibit and Trade Show Permit Application (IFC 105.5.15)

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Fire Marshal's Office
Austin Fire Department
6310 Wilhelmina Delco Drive
Austin, Texas 78752
(512) 974-0127


Exhibit and Trade Show permits are required by the 2021 International Fire Code (IFC).  The City of Austin requires facilities to meet specific life safety standards when hosting these types of events.  Exhibits and trade shows are defined as any event with temporary vendor displays or booths.  Also indicated would be any set up that deviates from the normal use of the space to include sectioning off to reduce the size of the original space or a configuration which obstructs the exits within the space. 

Permits are required for facilities that host these type of events with any indoor occupancy classification.

To obtain the permit, a complete application and floor plan submission should be submitted and paid at least 21 days prior to your event by 4 PM CST so we recommend submitting at least 30 days before your event start date. Changes to approved plans must be submitted at least 10 days prior to the event date by 4 PM CST. Applications submitted late will have an Expedited Review/After House fee ($335) added to their invoice.

Floor plans (PDF format) must include the following details to be considered for review;

·         Name of event

·         Dates of event

·         Venue Name

·         Address of event

·         Date of floor plan creation / Revision #

·         Location of exits including the direction of door swings, exit stairs and corridors.

·         Location of all booths, displays, catering, furniture, vehicles, etc. Must be to scale and include dimensions.

·         Aisles must have dimensions labeled.

·         Locations of Fire Extinguishers

·         Locations of Fire hose valves, hose cabinets, and fire alarm pull stations.

·         Locations of any cooking activities, excluding fixed kitchens.

The Exhibit and Trade Show Permit cost is $254,  $64 will be charged per additional floor plan review. If submitted less than 21 days before event date, expedited review/after hours fee of $335 will be added to invoice. All revisions/changes prior to approval are free of charge and must be sent directly to reviewer. If the changes are taking place after approval, please submit a new request online. The revision fee for requests after approval is $127.


By checking this box, I certify that I have read and understand the Exhibit and Trade Show payment responsibility and requirements listed within the link: Exhibit and Trade Show Requirements

User Agreement *

Online Portal User Information

Please note: Prior to completing this application, the party or persons paying must create a user account with the City of Austin's online site, Austin Build+Connect. Please do not create a new user account if an account already exists; instead, just log in to retrieve your Austin Build+Connect ID.

Please provide the Austin Build+Connect ID below. The ID number can be found by visiting "My Profile" after the user account is created and you are logged in. To create a user account, visit Austin Build+Connect (AB+C) Online Portal

The invoice will be added to the online portal after this request is submitted and manually processed by the Austin Fire Department. We will notify the Austin Build + Connect account provided when an invoice is ready. They may then log in to the online portal to pay the pending invoice and check the permit status.

Event Information

ONLY ONE EVENT may be submitted per application.  If more than one event is submitted per application, the application will be denied and a new request will need to be submitted per event.
Is this a revision to an already submitted application? *
Expedited review (event date is less than 21 days from today)? *
Will you be needing to bypass the fire system for:
- Hazing, such as fog or smoke effects
- Pyrotechnics, flame effects, and open flames
- Cooking demonstrations
- Other events or displays as deemed necessary by the Fire Marshal *
The reviewing fire marshal will contact you to determine if an additional application is needed for your event and will provide more information.

Occupant load information is required to be posted in the room in use per the International Building Code adopted by the City of Austin.  If this information is not provided by the venue, it may be requested at the City of Austin Development Services Planning and Review Department, 512-978-4000.

Applicant Information

Applicant who will be the main contact throughout the application process and the one to receive notification of submittal.

Event Contact Information

The information provided in this section pertains to the contact accessible during setup of the event, throughout the event, and for other questions regarding detailed event information.  If more than one person should be contacted, please add those in the Comments/Additional Information area.  Thank you.

Floor Plan Information

Floor plans (PDF format) must include the following details to be considered for review;

  • Name of event
  • Dates of event
  • Venue Name
  • Address of event
  • Date of floor plan creation / Revision #
  • Location of exits including the direction of door swings, exit stairs and corridors.
  • Location of all booths, displays, catering, furniture, etc.  Must be to scale and include dimensions.
  • Aisles must have dimensions labeled.
  • Locations of Fire Extinguishers
  • Locations of Fire hose valves, hose cabinets, and fire alarm pull stations.
  • Locations of any cooking activities, excluding fixed kitchens.

Final Acknowledgement Statement

By completing the electronic signature below, I acknowledge. *