AFD Ride Out Request & Release Form

Ride Out Preferences

Please request your ride out at least two weeks in advance of when you would like to visit. All ride outs are scheduled for 12:30-10pm.

Rider Information

Program Participation

Emergency Contact Information

Release & Acknowledgment

I, the undersigned, request permission from the Austin Fire Department to ride out on an Austin Fire Department vehicle.

I understand that as a visitor to a facility of the Austin Fire Department, I will abide by the instructions and directions of the Station or Company Officer. I understand that I will not involve myself in or interrupt activities of the firefighters, including work assignments, training, or any other activity.

I understand that I may ride on an Austin Fire Department vehicle only in the event that there is available space for a non-participating visitor. I further understand that the Station or Company Officer may revoke the privilege of the ride out if in his/her judgment my presence would be unsafe or dangerous to myself or any firefighter.

I understand and agree that neither the City of Austin, nor any of its employees, servants, agents or representatives shall in any way be liable for any damage or injury resulting to me or my property as a result of any act of commission or omission on my part, or on the part of any third person who is not a City employee or public servant, which occurs while I am a visitor at an Austin Fire Department facility or on a ride out on an Austin Fire Department unit.

I hereby release the City of Austin, its agents, public servants, employees and representatives, from liability with respect to any damages to my person or property, or to any third person or party, while I am a visitor at an Austin Fire Department facility or on a ride out on an Austin Fire Department unit.

I hereby release the City of Austin, its agents, public servants, employees and representatives, from liability with respect to any damages to my person or property, or to any third person or party, while I am a visitor at an Austin Fire Department facility or on a ride out on an Austin Fire Department unit.

I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the City of Austin, its officers, agents and employees from any and all claims or losses of any kind or description arising by reason of accidents, injuries, or damages to person(s) or property, caused by or resulting from any act(s) or omission(s) on my part while I am a visitor at an Austin Fire Department facility or on a ride out on an Austin Fire Department unit.

I understand that my participation in the above named projects is a privilege subject to revocation at any time by the Austin Fire Department.

I agree to submit to a warrant check and criminal background investigation prior to my ride-out request being approved. Fire Recruiting shall retain this document on file for a minimum of 24 months.



  • NO person under the age of 18 will be permitted to ride out on any Austin Fire Department unit at any time unless the Fire Chief has granted prior written approval.
  • Visitors should appear at the designated location at the scheduled time. Be prepared to present your ID to the Station Officer for confirmation before your ride out begins. If you arrive and the unit has left the station on a call, you have the responsibility of rescheduling your ride-out to another date.
  • Violation of any portions of the prohibited acts, or dress code, or any behavior that impairs the crew’s ability to perform his/her jobs, will be considered grounds for being banned from riding.
  • Visitors may only ride out between 12:30 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. No overnight stays are permitted without the express authorization of the Fire Chief.
  • Visitors may ride out no more than once per month and no more than four times per calendar year.
  • Exceptions to this policy may be made for the media on a case-by-case basis.
  • Visitors are expected to maintain a professional manner of dress and appearance. No shorts, tank tops, sandals, etc. Clothing bearing any sign or symbol that advertises any product, business, or organization will not be permitted. Clothing with offensive designs, logos, letters, or devices is prohibited.
  • Visitors shall not be permitted on the fire ground for any reason. Visitors shall not be permitted to enter a private residence when the unit is responding to medical or other types of alarms.
  • At any time, the station or company officer may revoke the privilege of the ride out if, in their judgment, the visitor’s presence would be unsafe or dangerous to the visitor or any firefighter.
  • Visitors shall not photograph or video record any portion of any incident in which they respond while riding on an AFD apparatus.


  • Will not consume alcoholic beverages prior to or during ride outs;
  • Will not use profane or abusive language during the ride out;
  • Will not engage in excessive conversation, which may distract the crew or interfere with hearing the radio;
  • Will not make remarks or voice opinions to complainants, witnesses, victims, etc., in any manner which would tend to provoke or degrade anyone or, escalate tension;
  • Will not use information learned during a ride out for personal gain; and
  • Will not carry weapons of any type. Observers possessing a permit to carry a concealed weapon will NOT be allowed to carry a weapon during a ride out.
  • Will not photograph or video record any portion of any incident in which they respond while riding on an AFD apparatus.