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HDR Administration Form
Honours | MPH | PHD | DMN
This form can be used to:
  • Confirm your HDR course study/enrolment pattern, including:
    • Selecting or changing your broad field of research subject
    • Changing study load (full time/part time)
    • Seeking or Returning from a Leave of Absence (or Parental Leave)
    • Withdrawing (please note the College's policies around withdrawing from units and courses)
    • Requesting to repeat a unit or semester
  • Confirm Payment Method, including:
    • Changing payment method (e.g. requesting FEE-HELP for eligible students)
  • Submit a Student Affairs Request to the Graduate Research School (e.g. Late Withdrawal, after census date). 
Please make your selection
Student Gateway Reminders
1. Please contact if you are having trouble accessing Student Gateway (here) and require a password reset. Please keep a record of your login details.
2. Enrolment Processes:
- NEW HDR Students will need to submit a copy of this form upon accepting their course offer.
- Continuing HDR candidates will have their enrolments automatically rolled over each semester, unless approved a Leave of Absence or period of Parental Leave. Candidates returning from leave must complete this form to authorise the continuation of their enrolment.
- Enrolment information will appear under the 'Courses' tab in Student Gateway and an enrolment confirmation email will be issued for each enrolled semester.
3. Grades* will be released in Student Gateway after AC's internal Monitoring of Grades at the close of each semester.
*Publication of HDR grades is sometimes delayed due to external review processes, or in cases where extensions have been approved. Enrolment rollovers may be pending for candidates enrolled in coursework units, until the results of their coursework units are confirmed, and continuation in the program is approved. 
If you have any questions relating to your enrolment, please contact
Graduate Research School
Student Affairs
In exceptional circumstances, candidates may wish to request a Late Withdrawal (withdrawal after Census Date) or appeal a decision that has been made regarding their studies. Such requests may be submitted to the Graduate Research School via this form.
The Graduate Research School takes care to consider all Student Affairs requests fairly and in a timely manner. To assist the Graduate Research School, please include all relevant supporting documentation when submitting your request (e.g. medical certificate, etc.). It is important to note that requests are considered in line with the Special Circumstances outlined below.

Special Circumstances are those that are generally considered to be unusual or uncommon, and were not foreseeable prior to the Census Date.

You must also be able to demonstrate that the Special Circumstances that apply were:

  • beyond your control; and
  • did not occur, or make their full impact on you until on, or after the Census Date; and
  • made it impracticable for you to successfully complete the requirements for the course(s).
What information must I provide?

You must provide information on your Special Circumstances, specifically how your circumstances:

  • Changed after the Census Date;
  • Prevented you from completing your studies; and
  • Were beyond your control.

You must provide relevant documentation to support your request, for example:

  • Medical Certificate
  • Death Certificate
  • a letter from Psychologist or Pastor, etc.
Medical Reasons:supporting letter from your doctor is required if you have a medical condition that existed prior to the Census Date, continued past that date, and deteriorated to the extent that you were unable to continue your studies, or your medical condition only became known after the Census Date and you were unable to continue with your studies.
Application Deadlines

Late Withdrawal: Your application and supporting documentation must reach the Graduate Research School within 12 months of the Census Date of the semester relating to the application for withdrawal. If you have not yet formally withdrawn you must lodge your application within 6 months of the last day of the study period in which you were enrolled in the course(s). 

Other: Your application and supporting documentation must reach the Graduate Research School within 12 months of the Census Date of the semester of study relating to the application.

Note: A lack of knowledge or understanding of the requirements for applying for the late withdrawal is not a valid reason for applying outside of these timeframes. Please refer to the Enrolment Policy.