Important Information
Please consult the following resources before you complete your ethics application:
Preparing your ethics application
To prepare your ethics application, please download the Requirements and Templates for HREC Applications. It contains essential templates and information on the HREC application processes involved. Please use the templates provided when preparing your supporting documents.
If your research involves gathering new information or data from people such as through surveys,
interviews, focus groups. observation, personal written information or personal measurements (e.g.
weight, saliva measures) which will be made public, it needs ethical approval. This form is provided to
enable easy applications to the Alphacrucis Human Research Ethics Committee for such approval.
If your research only uses data or information which has been previously collected with its own ethical
approval (such as national censuses or omnibus published surveys) or data that is publicly available
(such as blogs publicly posted on the Internet), ethics approval is not needed and you do not need to
complete this form.
If you are doing research within an organisation solely for the use of that organisation, such as seeking
feedback from students on their experiences of their studies, or feedback from staff, no ethical approval is
needed as long as that research is not going to be made public. If it will be made public, ethics approval
should be sought.
Deadline: Applications must be submitted at least two weeks before the meeting date. Applications received less than two weeks prior will be held over until the following committee meeting.
Note for HDR candidates: Confirmation of Canditature must be passed before applying for ethics