Description Text
Confidential Referee Report
기밀 추천서
Higher Degree Research Program
박사 학위 연구 프로그램
지원자 세부 정보
추천자 세부 정보
지원자와의 관계 *
Please rate the applicant against each quality (with 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest), in terms of your judgement based on evidence of their work you have seen.
Ability to maintain a strong level of focus on a topic over a sustained period of time
Ability to work independently and to organise themselves to achieve agreed goals/outcomes
Ability to work in teams and in response to instructions/guidance
Level of proficiency in academic writing
Level of proficiency in spoken communication
Ability to think critically and thoroughly at an abstract level about concepts and ideas
Ability to think creatively and innovatively, to pose new solutions and approaches
The applicant’s potential to undertake successfully a Higher Degree Research award
Do you recommend the application for Higher Degree Research at Alphacrucis University College? *
Initial here *
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