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If this is your first time using our questionnaire, we strongly recommend you to Save Progress by creating an account.         Simply Enter a username, password, and email address.
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Who handles your accounts?
Please note: GST Questionnaire is only for filing GST returns, all other work requires an Annual Tax Questionnaire. If unsure, please select Annual Tax Questionnaire Form *
Do you wish to Add details/Entities or Duplicate details for a different financial year? *

Your Details

Did you move to this address recently? *

To update our records, we will eventually need a document showing your name and new address, dated from the last 3 months. This could be a bank statement, insurance, rates notice, or similar.

If you can provide a PDF of one of these documents, it would smoothen the process considerably.

Return type: 🛈
When is a nil return required:
A nil return for (ir4/6/7) is ONLY required for entities with no taxable activity
For most cases/unless directed, please select regular return
0 characters

0/100 words
I hereby instruct you to prepare our Tax Returns for the period and type chosen above. I undertake to supply all information necessary to carry out such services, and will be responsible for the accuracy and completeness of such information. You are hereby authorised to communicate with my bankers, solicitors, finance companies and all government agencies to obtain such information as you require in order to complete the above assignments. I authorise you to obtain information from Inland Revenue about all tax types except child support (NCP or CPR) in order to complete the above assignments. This includes obtaining information through all Inland Revenue media and communication channels.

You are to represent me/us as my/our tax agent. You are authorised to prepare, adjust, correct and sign income tax returns on behalf of myself/ourselves or any of my/our associated entities, after I/we have approved the relevant financial statements. However, I note that this does not alter my ultimate responsibility to check the correctness of said financial statements. This authority will continue until such time as I/we revoke it in written form. 

I/We also accept that you have the right to charge interest on overdue accounts at the rate of 1.5% per month, and that all accounts are due for payment within 7 days following invoice date. The charging of such interest will be at your discretion. I/We accept that any collection costs you incur will be fully recoverable from me/us.
I will respond to© emails, text and phone requests for information as promptly as possible.

I am aware that my tax information processing has been scheduled to begin in the month noted in the email accompanying the link to this questionnaire. I will promptly contact you if a change circumstances mean this  needs to be rescheduled.

I acknowledge that if I am unable to contact you in a timely manner, processing of my tax information may be rescheduled to a later date, and I accept responsibility for the effect, namely that© may not be able to guarantee the filing of tax returns prior to IRD deadlines.

I also acknowledge that if in the process of preparing financial statements, filing tax returns, seeking legal advice or receiving communications from IRD, discovers or learns of information that the client should have included in this questionnaire but failed to do so, then cannot be held financially accountable for any tax consequences to the client

I recognize and accept that paying taxes is an obligatory part of my financial obligations as an individual earning taxable income in New Zealand. Therefore, even if there are delays in the processing of my returns by Inland Revenue, it is important for me to understand that my fundamental responsibility as a taxpayer remains unchanged, and I am still expected to fulfill my tax obligations within the designated time frame.  Furthermore, should I encounter circumstances that result in delayed payment and subsequently incur penalties or interest from Inland Revenue, I acknowledge that such consequences are a natural outcome of my own actions. *
EpsomTax is unable to complete financial statements or file tax returns until all identification procedures have been completed to comply with Anti-Money Laundering legislation *
Does this entity require financial statements to be prepared *
Finally, please sign your name and then type it in the boxes below, along with today's date. This means you accept the Terms of Engagement.