House of Ig Adoption Application

When will you be ready to adopt this animal? *

Your Information

Vet reference (please call your vet and give notice that we will call) Vet name, address & phone number.

Home Information

Are you planning to move in the near future? *
To what city and state?
Do you live in a: *
Do you own or rent? *
If you rent, you must provide a written letter from your landlord or a copy of the section of your lease stating that you are allowed to have this type of animal and showing any limitations. If you live in a condo or town home, you must show us written proof that you are allowed to have this type of animal there and show any restrictions. Is this something you are willing to provide? *

Thank you for your interest, but, we will need to ensure that your landlord is ok with your new pet. Please contact us for assistance.

Is anyone in your home allergic to the animal you're planning to adopt? *
Have you discussed this adoption with all members of your household? *
Please be aware that animals given as gifts for the holiday season are usually returned to rescues or given to shelters after the New Year's. With this in mind, are you sure that any reptile you are adopting will be a permanent resident? *
If applicable, will your children be taught how to gently and kindly handle this reptile? *


Have you ever had an reptile before? *
Do you have experience in caring for reptiles *
If you have more than one, do you house them separately or as a group? *

Enclosure and Care information

A typical annual expense for reptiles basic care is $500. This covers food, energy costs, annual permits (if required), etc. Additional investments include housing and veterinary care. Are you prepared to pay these expenses long-term? *
Can you provide pictures ? In certain cases this may be used instead of a home visit. *

Do you need assistance with building an enclosure for your new reptile? *

Agree to terms and conditions

By signing below, you understand the terms of this form and adoptee. You hereby agree that you will not use this animal in any sort of fighting, breeding, or cruelty. You will love and care for this animal for the rest of its life, and you are committing to that. You also agree, that if for any circumstances you can no longer provide love and care for this animal, you will contact House of Ig and make arrangements to bring the animal back; under no circumstances can the animal be taken to another rescue or shelter. An exotic animal permit may be required to legally keep an iguana in your home, depending on your area. Please refer to your local animal control department to learn what the regulations are in your city. House of Ig assumes no liability or responsibility for fosters or adopters obtaining permits if required in their city. Reptiles can inflict damaging bites and tail whips. The adopter, if approved agrees to hold harmless House of Ig and it’s members if the caregiver or anyone that comes in contact with the reptile is injured. Adopter takes full responsibility for the animal, it’s care and surroundings. End of Life Concerns; Sadly, our iguana friends will eventually leave us either by a natural death or having to be euthanized due to extreme suffering. We strongly encourage you to have a necropsy. That is the animal equivalence to a human autopsy. Valuable data is gathered about the exact cause of death and the condition of the body. This vital information is used to help better understand the physiology and biology of the captive green iguana. The choice to have a necropsy done is yours. We respectfully request any data gained from a necropsy report that you share with House of Ig. This information will be kept confidential and is used for research purposes only. We are not interested in assigning blame. House of Ig fully understands how past care, or the lack of it, affects future health. Most of our iguanas come to us with an unknown care/medical history. Therefore, it is impossible to predict how long your iguana will live, and any medical issues that may arise. *
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